High Rise Buildings Survey Work Experience

29 Floors (385 ft High rise building) Centre Point at Karachi

Execution survey for ACL project of Centre Point 385 ft high rise building in Karachi, from July 2006 to September 2010 at KPT Interchange, Karachi.


Executed the building design as per drawings and controlled the verticality of building, distance, angles and levels given on the drawing.

Horizontal & Vertical Control of

  • Piles
  • Piles cap
  • Column
  • Beam
  • Slab
  • Opening
  • Stairs

16 Floors (180 ft High rise building) Creek Vista at Karachi

Execution survey for ACL project of Creek Vista 180 ft high rise building in Karachi, from July 2005 to September 2008 at DHA, Karachi.


Executed the building design as per drawings and controlled the verticality of building, distance, angles and levels given on the drawing.

Horizontal & Vertical Control of

  • Piles
  • Piles cap
  • Column
  • Beam
  • Slab
  • Opening
  • Stairs

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