3D Models

We have two decades of unblemished and proud history of proving our capabilities in topographic and As-built survey.

Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t control it, if you can’t control it, you can’t improve it. We have extensive expertise in 3D models Topographic survey terrain, historical monument and buildings their measurement methods.

We do not compromise on accuracy, this is our hallmark.

We are always looking for innovations in 3D models mapping instruments and Software to pass the time and money saving benefits to our clients such as Robotically Total station, Reflector less Total Station and 3D Scanner etc.

We have a long history of 3D models mapping which include extensive experience in major projects that we have undertaken domestically.


  • 2320 acres UEP Wind power project terrain (See on this page)
  • Du Talwar (See on this page)
  • Pakistan Papers Warehouse
  • Fina Energy
  • Sachal Wind power project
  • 300 acres land at Hub co, Islamkot
  • Din Wind power project
  • Noor Wind power project
  • Tricom Wind power project
  • Lucky Wind power project


We have expertise in marking of 3D models which we find the method to complete the site work and office work in minimum time considering the area contours, Structure detail and accuracy.

We do not compromise on accuracy, this is our hallmark.

The Benefits

We always prefer to use modern technology based 3D models surveying software’s and carry out the 3D model through best methodology and software’s to pass on time and money saving benefits to our clients.

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    11 Years Record


    Professional relationships depend on accuracy of work, low cost, on-time completion and aiding to client’s concerns and objections even months later. We adhere to all these for the sustainability of professional relationships.

    Project Completion

    The most important factor in the cost of any development project is its timely completion; starting with the surveying work, our priority is to complete our work before the given time frame.

    Modern Tech

    The world is busy trying to make every work easier every day. To keep ourselves involved in this era of development, we use modern technology based surveying instruments.

    Latest Software

    In this era of innovation, we adapt ourselves to the developing pace of the world in order to perform our work better, for which we prefer to use the latest software.

    We do not compromise on accuracy, this is our hallmark.